So let me present you some interesting places as well as some already famous places to visit once you are in Trivandrum categorically.We will start with some of the finest beaches/lakes/waterfalls/dams in this post
- Kovalam Beach
- 16 km from Trivandrum City
- 3 beaches Lighthouse,Hawah,Samudra seperated by rocks
- Resorts,Shopping area,Yoga.
- Shankumukham Beach
- 8Km from Trivandrum City
- Near to Trivandrum International Airport
- Skating school,indoor sports complex
- "Jalakanyaka" sculpture By Kanayi Kunjiraman
- Jawaharlal Nehru Traffic Park for Children
- Azhimala Beach
- A quiet beach around 20 km from City
- Speciality : Ayurvedic Resorts
- Meenmutti and Kombaikani water falls
- 45 Km and 47 Km from Trivandrum city respectively
- Located near to Neyyar resorvoir
- No transportation towards waterfall after reaching there
- Only Trekking
- Kombaikani: 2 km upstream of Meenmutti
- Neyyar Dam
- 29Km from Trivandrum City
- Boating,Mountainerring facilities
- Lion Safari Park,Crocodile Rearing Centre
- Aruvikkara Dam
- 16 Km from Trivandrum Central
- This resorvoir supplies water to Trivandrum City
- Veli Lake
- 11 Km from Trivandrum city
- Tourist village,Boat club etc
- Akkulam Lake :
- 10 Km from Trivandrum City Central
- Picnic and Backwater destination
- Varkala Beach
- Pilgrim centre situated 41km from Trivandrum city
- Cliffs,mineral water springs at Papanasham beach are tourist attractions